Exit / Entrance
How many times during our life will we here something to the effect of a “when one door closes another opens”? What if it’s the same door? What if the door before us is both an exit and an entrance? Is that not how doors actually operate?
This whole idea reigned down during this “lockdown” that most of the world is experiencing. A lot people don’t even want to go outside of their homes. Most people are simply locked inside, in more ways than one.
When we transition from death to life – move far away from a sinful life to a life filled with Jesus as Lord – we only used the one door. When Jesus said ask, seek, knock there was no mention of a secondary door. Jesus didn’t say to ask at this door, move down the way and seek at a different door. Nor did He say for us to find yet a third door to knock upon.
That fateful day when the shackles broke and the chains fell to the floor there was no movement. There was prayer, there was life and as death barely escaped to find its way into another broken soul, the Holy Spirit made His presence known. No there wasn’t a series of doors, only the one – asking our Father to show the Way, seeking His Light of love and knocking upon the door of His heart was the only thing that mattered. It was the only thing in the room, the single door the exit from hell serving as the entrance to a new life.
Matthew 7 NKJV
7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
The door stands before us all and it is our choice to exit a world where we are strangers and enter a world where God awaits our return.